Howdy, I'm chris

I'm a hobby photographer with a thing for plants and street photography

I'm not quite sure how you found this but I'm glad you're here

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People, Pets, and Places

Papershoot Photos

Flora & Fungi

A Little Bit About Myself

Like the splash page says I'm a hobby photographer who mostly takes pictures of people and cool plants. When the world wasn't in a global pandemic I spent a lot of my free time as a traveling roller derby referee. Maybe one day I'll get back to that. Thanks for poking around and looking at my work! Feel free to reach out with any questions or even if you just want to chat


Thanks for reaching out!

Assuming you weren't a dick I'll follow up with you as soon as I can

All of these picutures were taken with a Papershoot Camera for a little bit of low-key fun! All of these will only have minor edits, typically just framing and exposure adjustment.